It’s no secret that dogs love to eat. Most dogs will practically eat anything they can get their paws on, but if you aren’t vigilant, they may chow down on something that can be extremely harmful to their health. There are some types of human food that most people know not to give a dog, but there are many less obvious foods that you should know about when getting a new puppy or dog. Here are just 10 human foods to keep away from them in order to keep them happy and healthy.
Products Containing Xylitol
Xylitol is a substance used to sweeten things like candy, gum, toothpaste, and some diet foods. When consumed by a dog it can cause a drop in their blood sugar which can lead to liver failure. If you notice vomiting, decrease in energy, and noticeable coordination problems your dog may have ingested xylitol and you should visit a veterinarian immediately.
Avocados have persin in them which can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. Also the avocado seed can become stuck in their stomach or intestines which can be fatal.
This should probably go without saying, but alcohol should never be consumed by your dog. Even a small amount of alcohol can cause vomiting, diarrhea, coordination problems, and even death. The smaller the dog, the less it will take to harm them.
Garlic and Onions
Garlic and onions both contain sulfoxides and disulfides which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia. Look for weakness, vomiting, and breathing problems as indicators that your dog has ingested these substances.
Grapes and Raisins
Grapes and raisins can lead to kidney failure and even a small amount of either can make your dog sick. Vomiting is an early sign and if your dog becomes sluggish and depressed it may be a sign they’ve eaten grapes or raisins.
Macadamia Nuts
Ingesting even a few macadamia nuts can make a dog sick. Symptoms will include muscle shakes, vomiting, high temperature and weakness.
It is generally common knowledge that dogs shouldn’t eat chocolate. The specific substance in chocolate that is a problem for dogs is theobromine which can cause basic symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea and more complicated issues such as heart problems, tremors, seizures, and death.
Fat Trimmings and Bones
Dogs love chewing on bones, but there are certain types of dog-friendly bones you should get for them and all other bones should be avoided. Fat can cause pancreatitis, and bones from human food can be easily broken up, creating a choking risk for dogs.
You will want to keep foods like pretzels and chips out of reach of your dog. Salt makes dogs extremely thirsty and too much can lead to sodium ion poisoning which can make your dog sick and in serious cases can result in death.
Sugary Foods and Drinks
Just like in humans, too much junk food can make your dog overweight and is bad for their teeth. Dogs are also prone to diabetes as well.
What Can Dogs Eat?
If you want to make sure you are feeding your puppy a well-balanced diet, speak to your vet and they can recommend quality dog foods. Human food can be a special treat on occasion, but in moderation. Things like lean meats, some fresh fruits, some vegetables, and cooked white rice and pasta are all safe to give your dog. Always do careful research before treating your dog to any human foods.