We have been FORTUNATE ENOUGH to have engaged Mike for dog training services for the past several months, with exceptional results! Mike’s RESULTS HAVE BEEN REMARKABLE… HE’S VERY very intuitive, not only to our dog (10 month old Golden Retriever, “Jake”), but also to us humans… Mike has CONSISTENTLY helped our family be aware of the impact of our emotions, during the training process, has on our dog… meaning if Jake senses our frustrations, distress, he will escalate.. If however, we are all on the same page, calm, unified in our consistent approaches that Mike teaches us, remain confident that all will go as expected… all will go smoothly and we will have a happy, obedient dog! Mike is a pleasure to work with for millions of reasons, in that he has an at ease, warm manner, interacts beautifully with all family members, particularly the children and those who may be inclined to “resist” improved ways of training techniques, in that he teaches by the example he sets during his sessions, he’s a wonderful role model to watch in action, which is the best proof possible! Mike is very encouraging to all of us and he ‘s very loving to our dog… always taking the time to truly listen to what we consider to be important, what will work best for our family and then molding all of these things into his teachings, in a easy to understand, concise manner. Mike truly wants us, to help Jake achieve his fullest potentials, which truly, is much easier for the dog to grasp consistently, then sometimes us humans. He quickly sizes up, not just the dogs personality, but also the family members, which I believe is the key to his success, in working with our family, any family really. Mike is always willing to help, whether that means calling him in between sessions to ask a question, or at times, plea for help, generously sharing his time and wisdom, patiently answering our questions, calming us in an instant, with his reassuring, wise manner. Without question, I would urge you to engage Mike’s professional services, because if you do, you will have no need to worry, he will help see you through till the end, he will guide you throughout, he will teach you the meaning of dog training, in a way that all family members will be thrilled to follow through and as a result, you will have a happy, delicious dog that you will love to be around, your friend for life, just as we will always consider Mike, as he too is our friend for life, a lifelong family member, along with our Jake. Thank you Thank you Mike, for the caring, concern you extend, for always knowing what to say, how to say it and for the sensitivity you show, not only to our Jake, but to all of us…